Before your baby starts at Halswell Quarry Preschool we offer an optional home visit so we can really understand their needs and at home routines.
Our priority is to ensure your baby is comfortable, secure and most importantly, safe.
We will support your little one’s first few days in The Nursery with great sensitivity and we will encourage you to spend time in the Nursery, establishing a relationship and sharing information.
Daily routines are essential components of our curriculum. We approach these in an unhurried way, offering each child our time and full attention. A sense of security and safety is established through a sense of predictability and familiarity.
Each child will be supported by a primary care giving teacher that will take personal responsibility for you and your child’s care, needs and aspirations during your journey in the Nursery.
Our Nursery is a special place, cosy, natural and beautiful. Important elements we provide in our Nursery are;
– Patient and loving teachers
– Designated natural outdoor area, with existing blossoming cherry tree and real grass. (no plastic grass here!)
– Sensory rich play and exploration equipment.
– Quiet and cosy sleep room with choice of real cots or low beds.
– Underfloor heated soft woollen carpet to soften falls and tumbles.
– Views and connections to the entrance of Halswell Quarry Preschool and other areas to enrich daily personal interactions.